This saturday they are running re-runs on Humorhimlen P3
of some of the sketches of Hej Domstol! My one favorite
radio show from 2003 – 2006. 🙂 I was devestated
when they quit airing the show – but right now I am
following these commedians
(Except for Dick, but he is awesome anyway)
on their separate careers. Fuuun!
Jesper Rönndahl, Valle Westesson, Ola NorĂ©n, Kalle Lind and Dick Harrisson drawn for the 365-project – – a project where I drew 1 character a day for a year.
(This is indeed a pre-post of future characters
of the 365-project. I just got so excited about the rerun – –
I will repost these when it’s time. ;))