certainly are the most difficult features to draw for
many. I hope this will help O_o;
first thing to know is that, usually, the fingers are of
the same lenght as the palm of the hand, like this: 
own fingers don't even follow this rule! !_!
*cries* my fingers are shorter than the lenght of my plam...)
On this picture
(bellow), the red circles and segments represent the bones
of the fingers. (I'm sorry for the crappiness of the bones
O_O;;) Well, the red segments composing ONE finger should
all be af the same lenght. And this is a small yet
important detail: fingers all have 3 joints, so 3 places
where they can bend!

The blue lineon this
picture is meant to show that the base of the fingers
isn't straight, but it curves a little, like the blue
line. Making the blue line pass by the last joint of
the thumb shows approximatively the curve that the base of
the fingers follow....
Other proportions to
note: the 1st and 3rd fongers are of
the same lenght (you can check it out byt yourself!
XD). And the lenght 4th finger is the
same as the lenght of the 2 first joints of the 3rd

There... this
is about everything I can tell on hands. The best
way to draw good looking and different positions of hands
is to pratice with a model. You have 2 hands: one
holds the pencil while the other can pose for you!
I've been doing that
myself, and I discovered that a relaxed hand, when
somebody is standing, looks something like

LOL wow, that
was useful~