General Proportions



Bodies like I draw them~  I *try* to go for a more "realistic" style than most anime i.e. normally proportionned bodies ^_^;;


In order to draw proportionate bodies, the height of the person should be about 7 times the "height" of the head, like illustrated on the  drawing on the left.  

Notice that, for a  woman, the nipples are about spot on the line of the second head lenght.  (wow, what a sentence O_O;; ) what I mean is that the nipples are on the 3rd line from the top!  There! You still with me?  good XD  

I don't really have any other reference points for the body in general though (besides the head lenghts and the breasts): I just try to make the proportions of the legs and abdomen look good.  

For a man, the 7 heads lenght is still a good tip.  

Notice that for a man, the BOTTOM part of the breasts is on the 3rd line from the top, not the nipples.  


Note that for children, a complete other reference system is used: the 7 heads lenght is NOT used, since the children's particularity is to have a big head compared to their body.  

Useless (Yet Interesting) Facts

In ancient Greece, a similar system was used in sculpture.  Normal human beings were 7½ head-lenght high,  while heroes were 8 head-lenght high and Gods were 8½ head-lenght high.  

I got this information from a magazine: 

PARRAMON, J.M., Peindre & dessiner, "Le corps humain", Hebdomadaire N°7, Bordas, Larousse.  




First of all, a good thing to know is that the arm (shoulder to elbow) and forearm have the same lenght, like shown on the picture on the left.   Try to touch your left elbow with your left hand... It's a perfect match!

Another good thing to notice is that the elbows are lined with the waist, and the hands are lined with the crotch.  

No difference for a man! =B   


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